Newsletter News
Next newsletter is due after classification in September 2009. Send me your suggestions, stories and report to include in the next edition.
April 2009
Royal Easter Show report, another biography, more bad jokes, photos galore, virtual show results finale and much much more. Same password as last time - let me know if a reminder is necessary.
Secured Copy of Apr2009PrintVersion.pdf
December 2008
Antonie, Santas itinerant Haflinger Reindeer spent so much time smooching his owner he forgot to deliver members newsletters on time!! Just kidding, I have been too busy riding! Please download your December newsletter (in .pdf) below. If you do not know the password please refer to your email link information, or email a request.
From this point on, due to time and expense involved, Julian hopes to distribute only two newsletters per year by post. Do enjoy the newsletter below and send through any stories you may have toward the April 09 edition so we can make it the best one yet, including remaining photos from the Virtual Show, report from Equitana and much much more.
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